There are anywhere between 1,500 and 2,000 languages in Africa, most of which are still poorly documented. While much linguistic field work is being carried out in Africa, and thus also many publications do see the light of day, access to descriptive materials is in general hard to come by and often fragmentary. These webpages aim to simplify the finding of linguistic Africana on the net.
The main purpose of these pages is to offer easy access to online materials dealing with African languages.
These pages contain links to other sites hosting free stuff, be they downloadable files (of any format), web-readable texts, searchable databases, or whatever. Particular attention is given to materials that contain structural/descriptive data, though not exclusively so. Links to commercial enterprises won't be added, as a rule.
We are currently converting Jouni's wonderful resources into a database format, to allow for easier wiki-type updates in the future. We hope to go live with the new site soon.
Updates and revisions are performed as time allows.
I cannot add anything that I do not know about. If you know of any material that should be on these pages, then please drop me a mail using the email address listed somewhere on this page. (Avoid sending attachments, though.)
Thanks to Marvin Beachy, Roger M. Blench, Mark Dingemanse, Ines Fiedler, Harald Hammarström, Stuart McGill, Amina Mettouchi, Bonny Sands, Gilles-Maurice de Schryver, Anne Schwarz, Lameen Souag, Oliver Stegen, and others, for helping me keep this updated.
Unfortunately, we are no longer capable of maintaining this web site. We will however keep hosting its pages on aflat.org.
Some additions on Dogon, Bangi-me and Songhay. Painstaking conversion to database is still ongoing.
Breaking news! (I've always wanted to find a good excuse to use that phrase!) Things are about to change. WebAL will soon regenerate into something new, better and more useful. Most importantly, WebAL will move to a new web address, so you're all gonna have to update your bookmarks. I'll keep you updated as the news comes in. Keep tuned.
Things are moving slowly here presently. In fact, I'm looking for someone who might be interested in taking over this entire enterprise. So, if there's anyone out there who could provide a permanent-ish web location and maintenance for these pages, I'd be very grateful if they would let me know.
It's been quiet around here for a while, and it may remain so for a few more weeks. But just so you won't lack anything to download and read, I added some links from UNESCO's document repository. There are many interesting documents there, and it's well worth a visit.
The journal Mandenkan has put out most of its contents online. (Thanks to H.H. for making me aware of this.) It contains a sizeable chunk of really good articles, so it comes highly recommended. Hence due to the now massively increased number of Mande links, I have had to break out the Manding links and put them on a page of their own. Possibly Bambara deserves its own page, too, but I'll leave that for later.
Updates will be slow over the coming weeks, in case you'll start wondering if I've finally abandoned this project. I haven't. Incidentally, I've started my own blog. As seemingly every one else has one, I feel I must have one, too.
( Older notices & news )