[ Niger-Congo » Kwa » Akan ]
Akan, Twi-Fante
- Online communities, websites, weblogs, etc.
- Dictionaries, wordlists, lexicons
- Learners' materials
- Phonetics, phonology, pronunciation
- Grammar, morphology, syntac
- Words, semantic fields, dictionary-making
- Miscellaneous, unsorted
Google in Twi.
Wikipedia in Akan.
Wikipedia in Twi.
Kasahorow - online dictionary of standard written Akan. Collaborative project between Tsooboi! of the GhanaThink Foundation and Yale University. (Accepts public contributions.)
research.yale.edu/akan <- verified entries
kasa.ghanathink.org/akan <- all entries
Jean Barbot, 1680 (1992)
Barbot's West African vocabularies of c.1680, edited and annotated by Paul E.H. Hair, 1992. Scanned pages hosted by the Africana Digitization Project, University of Wisconsin-Madison Libraries.
Pimsleur Twi course.
Languages on-line: Akan/Twi. Center for Language Technology and Instructional Enrichment at Indiana University, Bloomington.
Twi classes. Yahoo group for learning Asante Twi.
Immanuel Bellon, 1911
Tshi lessons for beginners, including grammatical guide and numerous idioms and phrases (PDF). Basel Mission at Kumasi, Ghana.
Paa Kwesi Imbeah
Akan language guide. The Kasahorow Project.
Sound files for Akan (Fante) and Akan (Twi) at the UCLA Phonetics Lab Archive.
Emmanuel Abakah, 2004
Elision in Fante (PDF). Africa & Asia: Göteborg working papers on Asian and African languages and literatures, v. 4, p. 181-213.
Emmanuel Abakah, 2005
Phonological analysis of word-final consonants in Akan (PDF). Africa & Asia: Göteborg working papers on Asian and African languages and literatures, v. 5, p. 47-65.
Susan Hess, 1987
Acoustic characteristics of the vowel harmony feature and vowel raising in Akan (PDF). UCLA working papers in phonetics, v. 68, p. 58-72.
Susan Hess, 1988
Acoustic characteristics of tongue root position and vowel assimilation in Akan (PDF). UCLA working papers in phonetics, v. 70, p. 59-69.
Marie K. Huffman, 1987
Timing of contextual nasalization in two languages (PDF). UCLA working papers in phonetics, v. 69, p. 68-76.
Peter Ladefoged
Vowels and consonants: Akan. Sound files hosted at the UCLA Phonetics Lab.
Mona Lindau Webb, 1976
Laryx height in Kwa (PDF). UCLA working papers in phonetics, v. 31, p. 53-61.
Mona Lindau Webb, 1987
Tongue mechanisms in Akan and Luo (PDF). UCLA working papers in phonetics, v. 68, p. 46-57.
Mona Lindau Webb, Leon Carl Jacobson, Peter Ladefoged, 1972
The feature advanced tongue root (PDF). UCLA working papers in phonetics, v. 22, p. 76-94.
Ian Maddieson, 1995
Collapsing vowel harmony and doubly-articulated fricatives: a preliminary report (PDF). UCLA working papers in phonetics, v. 91, p. 67-84.
Charles Ofosu Marfo, 2004
On tone and segmental processes in Akan phrasal words: a prosodic account. Linguistik online, v. 18, p. 93-110.
Paul Schachter, Victoria Fromkin, 1968
A phonology of Akan: Akuapem, Asante and Fante (PDF). UCLA working papers in phonetics, 9.
Nana Aba Appiah Amfo, 2007
Akan demonstratives (PDF). Selected proceedings of the 37th annual conference on African linguistics. Cascadilla Proceedings Project.
Adams Bodomo, 1996
Complex predicates: the case of serial verbs in Dagaare and Akan (PS). On-line proceedings of the 1st LFG conference held August 1996 in Grenoble. CSLI Publications, Stanford.
A.C. Denteh, 1982(?)
Some genitive constructions in Akyem/Asante Twi (PDF). Research review of the Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana, v. 10.1, p. 96-99.
Ines Fiedler, Anne Schwarz, 2005
Out-of-focus encoding in Gur and Kwa (PDF). From: Interdisciplinary studies on information structure, v. 3. Edited by Shinichiro Ishihara, Michaela Schmitz & Anne Schwarz. Potsdam University.
Lars Hellan, Dorothee Beermann, Eli Saetherø Andenes
Towards a typology of serial verb constructions in Akan (PDF). Online proceedings of TROSS03, Trondheim Summer School, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).
Gregory Kobele, Harold Torrence, 2007
Intervention and focus in Asante Twi (PDF). From: ZAS papers in linguistics, v. 46, p. 161-184.
E. Kweku Osam
An introduction to the verbal and multi-verbal system of Akan (PDF). Online proceedings of TROSS03, Trondheim Summer School, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).
Kofi Agyekum, 2006
The sociolinguistics of Akan personal names (PDF). Nordic journal of African studies, v. 15, p. 206-235.
Kwasi Ansu-Kyeremeh, 2000
Communicating nominatum: some social aspects of Bono personal names (PDF). Research review of the Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana, new series, v. 16.2, p. 19-34.
Kwame Arhin, 1990
The significance of some Akan titles (PDF). Research review of the Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana, new series, v. 6.1, p. 24-35.
I.K. Chinebuah, 1968
Research in progress: Akan Dictionary Project (PDF). Research review of the Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana, v. 5.3, p. 50-52.
G.P. Hagan, 1968
An analytical study of Fanti kinship (PDF). Research review of the Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana, v. 5.1, p. 50-90.
Thomas Bearth, 2001
ALI Akan: initiations à une langue africaine par les nouvelles technologies (PDF). Cahiers du Rifal, v. 22, p. 27-32.
Lawrence A. Boadi, 1984
Busumur and the Akan language in Koelle's Polyglotta (PDF). From: Afrika und Übersee, v. 67, p. 199-217.
books.google.com/books?id=mjIzAAAAIAAJ (whole issue)
C. Chanard
Akan - système alphabétique d'après "Alphabets des langues africaines", Unesco-SIL 1993. LLACAN (Langage, Langues et Cultures d'Afrique Noire).
Florence A. Dolphyne, 1986
The languages of the Akan peoples (PDF). Research review of the Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana, new series, v. 2.1, p. 1-22.