Online Kinyarwanda dictionary
Submitted by Guy on Thu, 2010-09-16 10:02This is a Kinyarwanda and English dictionary created to help people who are learning either language. What makes it different to other dictionaries is that it has been designed for a Bantu language. Words are stored with prefixes, stems and modifiers, so it allows you to search for different forms of the same word. You can search for singular forms and plural forms of nouns, and present tense or past tense forms of verbs.
Unsupervised Learning of Morphology and the Languages of the World
Submitted by Guy on Mon, 2010-03-01 14:12- Login to post comments
- Google Scholar
Submitted by Martin.Puttkammer on Mon, 2007-02-12 08:27The Centre for Text Technology (CTexT) at the North-West University (South Africa) is developing proprietary spelling checkers for various African languages. In order to conduct this project successfully, we are currently sourcing various resources, most notably electronic resources (word lists, corpora, etc.) and people (experts and assistants) to contribute to the project.