AGIS11 - AfLaT2011 Program

The program for AGIS11 has been finalized, including that of the breakout AfLaT2011 workshop. We are happy to announce the talks below. The detailed program can be downloaded from

December 1 2011: 14:00 - 15:10
Bilingual Data Mining for the English-Amharic Statistical Machine Translation (EASMT)
Mulu Gebreegziabher Teshome, CTIT
Document Clustering in Amharic
Yalemisew Abgaz, Dublin City University, Ireland
IFE-MT: An English-to-Yorùbá Machine Translation System
Tunji Odejobi, Obafemi Awolowo University

December 1 2011: 16:00 - 17:10
Compound Analyzers for Afrikaans
Liaan L. Fourie, Centre for Text Technology (CTexT)
A Number to Yorùbá Text Transcription System
Tunji Odejobi, Obafemi Awolowo University
Modeling Improved Syllabification Algorithm
Niray o Hailu, Hawassa University

December 2 2011: 14:00 - 15:10
Finding Surface Verbs of Lexemes in Ge'ez
Desta Berihu Weldegiorgis, Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia
The PALDO Concept: New Paradigms for African Language Resource Development
Martin Benjamin, Kamusi Project International
A System for the Recognition of Handwritten Yorùbá Characters
Ibraheem A. O. and Odejobi, O.A., Obafemi Awolowo University
Human Language Technologies for Ethiopian Languages: Challenges and Future Directions
Dr. Solomon Teferra Abate, UJF