The SAWA Corpus: a Parallel Corpus English - Swahili

TitleThe SAWA Corpus: a Parallel Corpus English - Swahili
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsDe Pauw, Guy, Wagacha Peter W., and de Schryver Gilles-Maurice
BooktitleProceedings of the First Workshop on Language Technologies for African Languages (AfLaT 2009)
PublisherAssociation for Computational Linguistics
LocationAthens, Greece
EditorDe Pauw, Guy, de Schryver Gilles-Maurice, and Levin Lori

Research in data-driven methods for Machine Translation has greatly benefited from the increasing availability of parallel corpora. Processing the same text in two different languages yields useful information on how words and phrases are translated from a source language into a target language. To investigate this, a parallel corpus is typically aligned by linking linguistic tokens in the source language to the corresponding units in the target language. An aligned parallel corpus therefore facilitates the automatic development of a machine translation system and can also bootstrap annotation through projection. In this paper, we describe data collection and annotation efforts and preliminary experimental results with a parallel corpus English - Swahili.

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