part-of-speech tagging

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Resource-Light Bantu Part-of-Speech Tagging

Resource-Light Bantu Part-of-Speech Tagging, De Pauw, Guy, de Schryver Gilles-Maurice, and van de Loo Janneke , Proceedings of the workshop on Language technology for normalisation of less-resourced languages (SALTMIL8/AfLaT2012), Istanbul, Turkey, p.85-92, (2012)

Tagging and Verifying an Amharic News Corpus

Tagging and Verifying an Amharic News Corpus, Gambäck, Björn , Proceedings of the workshop on Language technology for normalisation of less-resourced languages (SALTMIL8/AfLaT2012), Istanbul, Turkey, p.79-84, (2012)

Zulu Part-of-Speech Tagger - Demo

This demo showcases a part-of-speech tagger for Zulu. It retrieves the morpho-syntactic categories for words in a sentence.

Type in the text you want to tag
Example: Indawo encane ihlupha ngakho khona lokho.

[Tagging the text might take a while]

The data used to build this part-of-speech tagger can be found through this link.

Cilubà Part-of-Speech Tagger - Demo

This demo showcases a part-of-speech tagger for Cilubà. It retrieves the morpho-syntactic categories for words in a sentence.

Type in the text you want to tag
Example: Kiipàcìlà kàà kumpàlà kàà mukàndà eu ǹkwambulwisha eu yônso udi ulonga cilubà nè ukààdi mudbìdìje nè nsùùlakajilu wacì.

[Tagging the text might take a while]

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