Workshop on Spoken Languages Technologies for Under-Resourced Languages (SLTU’10)

*Workshop on Spoken Languages Technologies for Under-Resourced Languages

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*The second International Workshop on Spoken Languages Technologies for
Under-resourced languages (SLTU’10) will be held at Universiti Sains Malaysia
(USM), Penang, Malaysia, May 3 to May 5, 2010.* Workshop
supported by ISCA, AFCP and CNRS.

The first workshop on Spoken Languages Technologies for Under-Resourced
Languages was organized in Hanoi, Vietnam, in 2008 by Multimedia,
Information, Communication and Applications (MICA) research center in
Vietnam and /Laboratoire d’Informatique de Grenoble/ (LIG) in France.
This first workshop gathered 40 participants during two days.

For 2010, we intend to attract more particpants, especially from the
local regional zone (Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand,
Australia, ...). The workshop will take place inside USM in Penang,
Malaysia. SLTU research workshop will focus on spoken language
processing for under-resourced languages and aims at gathering
researchers working on:

* ASR, synthesis and translation for under-resourced languages
* portability issues
* multilingual spoken language processing
* fast resources acquisition (speech, text, lexicons, parallel corpora)
* spoken language processing for languages with rich morphology
* spoken language processing for languages without separators
* spoken language processing for languages without writing system
* NLP for rare or endangered languages
* …

*Important dates*

* Paper submission: December 15, 2009

* Notification of Paper Acceptance: February 15, 2010

* Author Registration Deadline: March 1, 2010

*Workshop Web site*

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*Workshop Chairs*

Laurent Besacier

Eric Castelli

Dr. Chan Huah Yong

*Scientific Committee*

* Tanja Schultz, CMU, USA

* Ruhi Sarikaya, IBM, USA

* Haizhou Li, A-star, Singapour

* Lori Lamel, LIMSI, France

* Jean-Paul Haton, LORIA, France

* Pascal Nocera, LIA, France

*Bali Ranaivo, University Multimedia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

*Alvin W. Yeo, UNIMAS, Sarawak, Malaysia

*Ch'ng Eng Siong, NTU, Singapore

*Tan Tien Ping, USM, Penang, Malaysia

* Eric Castelli, MICA, Vietnam

* Vincent Berment, LIG, France

* Laurent Besacier, LIG, France


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