ACAL 45 - 45th Annual Conference on African Linguistics

The 45th Annual Conference on African Linguistics will be held at the University of Kansas from April 17-19, 2014. The theme of this year’s conference is “Africa’s Endangered Languages: Documentary and Theoretical Approaches”. In addition to plenary sessions featuring eminent scholars, ACAL 45 will feature three sessions: a main session, a poster session, and a workshop based on the conference theme.

We're excited to announce the following plenary speakers:

Kofi Agyekum (University of Ghana)
Chris Collins (New York University)
Ruth Kramer (Georgetown University)
Michael R. Marlo (University of Missouri)
Carlos M Nash (University of Kansas)
Bonny Sands (Northern Arizona University)
Malte Zimmermann (Universität Potsdam)

Attached please find the call for papers. Please note that abstracts are due by midnight (Central time) on December 1st.

For more information about the conference, please visit the ACAL 45 website at: or write to the conference organizers at: acal45 [at] ku [dot] edu

ACAL 45 Call for Papers.pdf85.56 KB